Office News Awards Publications Shop
Office News Awards Publications Shop
March 15
GA Houses Project 2024

GA Gallery, Tokyo selects OPA "Echo Lake" for GA Houses Project 2024 exhibition. This special exhibition features houses by 53 international architects.

April 1
GA Houses Project 2023

GA Gallery, Tokyo selects OPA "Space Invader" for GA Houses Project 2023 exhibition. This special exhibition features 53 houses by 53 international architects.

September 7

Dezeen selects Softie for the 2021 Dezeen Awards "shortlist" in the House Interior category.

May 24
SF Design Week

The Modern Architects
Presented by Diane Dorrans Saeks
Wednesday, June 9, 6pm

This webinar will examine and celebrate this current moment in design and architecture—and face the future of design with optimism and renewed energy.

Joshua Aidlin of Aidlin Darling

Anne Fougeron of Fougeron Architecture

Zoë Prillinger of OPA
Tickets available at sfdesignweek.org

March 20
GA Gallery, Tokyo

GA Gallery, Tokyo selects OPA Palisade for GA Houses 175: Project 2021 exhibition. This special issue and exhibition features 45 residential projects by 45 international architects.

July 31
The Plan

The Plan shortlists Shapeshifter for a 2020 Award.

May 7
UC Berkeley CED

Zoe Prillinger is on the jury for thesis reviews from 10-1:15 on Friday May 8.

March 17
GA Gallery, Tokyo

GA Gallery, Tokyo selects OPA Varial for GA Houses 169: Project 2020 exhibition. This special issue and exhibition features 50 residential projects by 50 international architects.

February 20

OPA named top 15 San Francisco residential architecture firm on 2020 list.

January 15
California Home & Design

California Home + Design "spotlight on just a handful of the architectural talents in the Bay Area who are making their mark on the city’s skyline—that also happen to be women."
Robyn Wise, "Five Bay Area Women at the Forefront of Architecture"

December 2
UC Berkeley CED

Zoë Prillinger is on the jury for 200A reviews at the Berkeley College of Environmental Design on Tuesday December 10.

June 28
Christie's International Real Estate

Christie's International Real Estate feature on desert architecture. "Dreams of living in the wilderness are being made reality by architects working with, rather than against, the rugged landscapes of the desert."
Jonathan Bell, "Castles in the Sand: The Art of Desert Architecture."

May 9
UC Berkeley CED

Zoë Prillinger is on the jury for Graduate Thesis Reviews at the Berkeley College of Environmental Design on Friday May 10.

February 20
GA Gallery, Tokyo

GA Gallery, Tokyo selects OPA Softie for exhibition of 50 international residential projects.

This annual exhibition features the 50 international residential projects selected for the GA Houses Project 2019 special issue.

December 27

Metropolis selects Hidden House for Metropolis's Best Houses of 2018

"Out of all the building types we publish at Metropolis, houses are the projects that elicit the most ooh’s and ah’s from our editors. It’s hard to pick which ones are our favorites, of course, but the following six truly push the envelope—literally and figuratively"

December 10

Taschen publishes Homes for Our Time: Contemporary Houses around the World

A sweeping survey of the contemporary house, and a reminder that we all have a lot more in common than might be expected. Surely because of the rise of the Internet as the most accessible form of information, talented and cosmopolitan architects are coming forward and building innovative, spectacular houses around the globe. Especially where houses are concerned, there is no longer a deep divide between developed and developing countries: great homes are being built everywhere by talented architects.

November 13
Yale University Press

Yale University Press publishes The New Urban House: A Global Survey

Architects face many challenges when designing a modern urban house. Environmental performance, aesthetics, technical logistics, material concerns, site constraints—these are all considerations that have the potential to limit what architects can achieve, but that also can inspire creative solutions. In addition, each city’s history, obstacles, and opportunities influence local design approaches. Superbly illustrated with 600 color images, this expansive compendium offers fascinating insights into building modern houses on a local level.

Jonathan Bell and Ellie Stathaki "Gallery House," pp. 36-39

November 1

Dwell nominates Shapeshifter for Best of Design Awards for Best Outdoors

Selected as the most inspiring projects featured by Dwell this year, our nominees showcase innovative solutions and creative, context-driven design.

October 30
AIA East Bay Ex Res Design Awards

Luke Ogrydziak on AIA East Bay Ex Res Design Awards jury

The AIA East Bay Exceptional Residential: Bay Area Regional Design Awards is a unique design awards program established to recognize the best in the Bay Area housing design. ExRes 2018 emphasizes the important impact excellent design has on everyday living and our communities. Criteria to be used by the jury include quality of design, resolution of the program idea, sustainable responsibility, innovation, thoughtfulness, and technique.

September 27

Metropolis Magazine features Hidden House

Metropolis is an architecture and design–focused magazine published ten times per year. It has over 50,000 print subscribers and its website receives approximately 85,000 unique visitors every month. Metropolis is based in New York and has been published since 1981.

September 23

AAG publishes article by OPA

Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) is a conference where both theoretical and practical work linked to new geometrical developments is presented. It involves architects, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, software and algorithms designers and contractors. We aim at connecting researchers from architectural and engineering practices, academia and industry. AAG has become a reference both in research and in practice and is supported by the direct participation of the most renowned architectural design and engineering offices along with research laboratories.

Luke Ogrydziak and Zoë Prillinger "Nuclear thresholds: Geometric strategies for flexible cord assemblies," pp. 256-272

July 26

Wallpaper* feature on Shapeshifter

Ellie Stathaki, "Unfolding the origami shapes of OPA’s Shapeshifter House in Nevada"

July 25
A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd.

A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. features OPA in GA 159

GA Houses documents outstanding new residential architecture from all over the world. Included in each issue also are retrospective looks at residential works of the past which are now considered epoch-making.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor "OPA ," pp. 8-9, 116-15

June 29

Dwell feature on Shapeshifter

Sam Lubell, "Life Mimics Art"

"Everyone is in disbelief that we could have a house like this here." —Peter Stremmel, resident

June 16
American Architecture Award

Shapeshifter wins 2018 American Architecture Award

The nation’s highest public awards given by a non-commercial, non-trade affiliated, public arts, culture and educational institution. Over 100 shortlisted buildings have won the prestigious 2018 American Architecture Awards for the best new buildings designed and constructed by American architects in the U.S. and abroad and by international architects for buildings designed and built in the United States.

May 20

Architectural Element volumes 1, 2, and 3 published by Damdi

Features projects and essays by OPA. The first volume deals with ENTRANCE; the second, STAIRS; and the third with ROOF. Architectural Element provides a sweeping survey of contemporary and classical case studies, surveyed through photographs, technical drawings, sketches, and models.


April 18
Rice University

Zoë Prillinger on final review juries at Rice School of Architecture

March 3
Stanford University

OPA principals lecture at Stanford University

The third lecture in the Stanford University Architecture & Landscape Spring Lecture Series. This event will be at 6:30 on May 9 at Bishop Auditorium, Lathrop Library.

January 16

The Observer reviews Untitled, San Francisco second edition

"Just as the art world starts to swing into high gear after the haze leftover from December’s Miami Art Week and holiday hoopla, Untitled, San Francisco launched its second edition this past weekend. Over 50 exhibitors from 11 countries participated, with the notable addition of powerhouse New York and London gallery David Zwirner joining the lineup this year, an indicator of maturation for the budding Bay Area edition of the fair, which originally started in Miami Beach in 2012. Running January 12 through 14, the curated art fair touted a new director, former Simon Lee gallery director Manuela Mozo, and a new location at the iconic Palace of Fine Arts, a monumental gem of neoclassical revival architecture in the city’s Marina District."

January 15
January 11
Untitled, San Francisco 2018

Untitled, San Francisco 2018 opens this weekend at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco

Untitled, Art is an international, curated art fair founded in 2012 that focuses on curatorial balance and integrity across all disciplines of contemporary art. Untitled, Art innovates the standard fair model by selecting a curatorial team to identify and curate a selection of galleries, artist-run exhibition spaces, and non-profit institutions and organizations, in dialogue with an architecturally designed venue.

January 5

Architect magazine feature on OPA.

Blaine Brownell, "Discovery, Mystery, and Transformation: Approaching Architectural Practice as a Narrative"

December 15

The Bad Woods 3d printed model available on Shapeways.

December 5

Hyperallergic review of CP-1 commemoration

December 4
Chicago Pile 1 Commemoration

The 75th anniversary commemoration of Chicago Pile 1 includes OPA's Nuclear Thresholds installation.

"...a temporary architectural entitled Nuclear Thresholds was installed at the site of Chicago Pile-1, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Henry Moore’s Nuclear Energy sculpture. Firm OPA added a network of hundreds of 75-five-foot-long cords of thick black rubber that formed a bench at one end before unraveling into a twisted network of cables."

October 20
University of Chicago

OPA principals talk at the University of Chicago.

The culminating lectures for the 75th anniversary of the Chicago Pile-1 experiment and the concurrent 50th anniversary of the unveiling of Henry Moore's Nuclear Energy sculpture. Features talks by eminent Moore scholar (and former Henry Moore Foundation Research Curator at Tate) Anne Wagner, architect Ludovico Centis, and principals Luke Ogrydziak and Zoe Prillinger from California-based firm OPA (the design team behind Nuclear Thresholds, the temporary architectural installation on the CP-1 site). This event will be at 4:15 on December 2 at the Reynolds Club, University of Chicago.

October 19
Chicago Maroon

Chicago Maroon feature on Nuclear Thresholds.

""Nuclear Thresholds" Installation Meditates on Duality," by Perri Wilson.

"Amid the chaos of this year’s O-Week move-in day was a mysterious group of workers crowded around the Henry Moore sculpture outside Max Palevsky West Residential Commons. Throughout the week, one could find them milling around a pile of long, black rubber tubes, which slowly began to take form. The installation, entitled “Nuclear Thresholds,” is one of the many projects commissioned by the University to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Chicago Pile-1 (CP-1), the first successfully built, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction."

October 15
Portland Architecture Awards

Zoë Prillinger one of three jurors selected for 2017 Portland Architecture Awards

Bay Area jurors Allison Williams, William Leddy, and Zoë Prillinger will present the 2017 awards at this annual event featuring special guest Congressman Earl Blumenauer.

This event will be at 6:00 on October 27 at Revolution Hall, Porland, Oregon.

October 1

The Gallery House roof garden photographed by Marion Brenner.

Seasoned garden writers Susan Lowry and Nancy Berner, along with leading landscape photographer Marion Brenner, tour more than thirty-five private gardens in the San Francisco Bay Area, illuminating the unrivalled beauty of Northern California—the breadth of the sky, the quality of the light, the sparkle of the Bay, the shapes of the hills—that has beckoned landscape designers and gardeners for generations.

Lowry, Susan and Nancy Berner. "Lenore Pereira and Rich Niles Garden: South Park" in Private Gardens of the Bay Area. The Monacelli Press. pp. 96-99.

September 30
Nuclear Tresholds open through January 2018, partner program of Chicago Architecture Biennial and University of Chicago Arts
September 28
Zoë Prillinger on jury for 2017 Portland Architecture Awards
September 27
Arts and the Nuclear Age: 1942 | 1967 | 2017, Zoë Prillinger and Luke Ogrydziak talk and panel discussion at the University of Chicago
September 25
Architects' Forum: Private Lives of Private Spaces, Luke Ogrydziak talk and panel discussion
September 11
'Nuclear Thresholds' in-progress artist talk by Luke Ogrydziak
August 20
OPA selected for Storefront for Art and Architecture show Souvenirs: New New York Icons
August 1
OPA selected to design Untitled, San Francisco, Second Edition
June 25
Hidden House selected for 2017 AIA San Francisco Home Tours
June 19
OPA selected to design a temporary installation commemorating the 75th anniversary of Chicago Pile-1
May 15
Triskelion one of 25 international case studies in 'Container and Modular Buildings'
May 1
Zoë Prilinger and Luke Ogrydziak on final review juries at UC Berkeley
April 21
OPA wins AIA San Francisco Design Award for Vortex
April 11
Gallery House featured in 'Private Gardens of the Bay Area'
April 7
Zoë Prillinger and Luke Ogrydziak lecturing at the University of Chicago Neubauer Collegium
April 1

Mark magazine feature on OPA.

Tylevich, Katya. "OPA," Mark No. 67, April/May 2017, pp. 83-101.

"When designing buildings, Zoë Prillinger and Luke Ogrydziak take cues from the disparate qualities of daily existence."

March 3
Vortex receives Architizer A+ Awards Special Mention
January 15
OPA selected to design Untitled SF
September 13
Curbed feature on Sous Les Paves
May 15
South End Rowing Club breaks ground
April 10
Architizer A+ Awards Finalist, Dune
April 10
Architizer feature on Shapeshifter
March 16
Two of seven Private Collections tours feature projects by OPA
November 2
Emerging Voices Panel at CCA featuring Zoë Prillinger (OPA) and principals from all of the Emerging Voices firms currently practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area
October 22
OPA selected as one of five international architectural firms in The Fundamentals of Interior Architecture
October 16
Monterey Design Conference session by Luke Ogrydziak, October 16, 10:15am, Pacific Grove, CA
October 10
SFC&G cover feature on Hyde Unit #1
October 1
Archvista post on OPA Shapeshifter
October 1
Luke Ogrydziak selected as juror for 2015 AIA Institute Honor Awards for Interior Architecture.
June 30
Thirty Years of Emerging Voices: Idea, Form, Resonance featuring OPA
June 11
SF Design Week panel discussion "We Live Here" featuring Luke Ogrydziak (OPA), Mark Little (Eight Inc.), Christopher Bently (Bently Holdings), Jay Esopenko (Union Larder), and moderator Karen Craig (Creative Cities
June 5
OPA wins two AIA San Francisco Design Awards
May 19
Shapeshifter Groundbreaking
May 10
Gallery House one of 47 projects nominated for 2014 Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) for Emerging Architecture
April 1
RISD Six Lines Exhibit, featuring OPA, Carl Lostritto, John Caserta, Kai Franz, Stefanie Pender, and Andrew Raftery
February 25
RISD panel discussion and lecture by Luke Ogrydziak
November 5
Damdi Who is the Architect published featuring interviews with 19 international architects, including OPA.
October 30
Kayak House featured as Wall Street Journal House of the Day
September 21
Hyde selected for AIASF Home Tours
September 18
David Bowen speaking at Architect's Forum, AIASF
May 16
Art Market San Francisco conversation with Luke Ogrydziak, Thom Faulders, and Alisa Carroll
April 14
Fast Company feature on Sous Les Paves, "Safer Crossing,"
April 12
Blurring the Line opening reception at Gallery House
March 24
GA Gallery

GA Houses Project 2014 Exhibition featuring OPA Shapeshifter opens in Tokyo.

February 1
Mark 48 published featuring OPA Shapeshifter in "Notice Board" on page 15.
January 24
Curbed SF article on Sous Les Paves. "OPA Architects Imagine Greener, Safer Intersections for S.F."
January 22
Architect's Newspaper article on Sous Les Paves. "A Life-Saving Proposal for San Francisco's Crosswalks."
January 10
Fast Company post on Sous Les Paves. "Redesigning Crosswalks Into A Network Of Mini-Parks To Save Pedestrian Lives."
December 12
Nevada Museum of Art talk by OPA
November 30
Harvard GSD Platform 6 published featuring OPA Shapeshifter studio on pages 328-335
October 9
Gallery House selected for 2013 Residential Architecture Symposium Home Tours
September 27
Luke Ogrydziak speaking at 2013 Monterey Design Conference
September 26
Good post about OPA/Walk SF collaboration. "Designing Streets for People, Not Just Cars."
September 5
Hyde selected for The Summit, an Amsterdam based tour of contemporary Northern California architecture
August 1
1945 Hyde sales site launch
July 16
New Container Architecture published, featuring Triskelion on pages 247-256
June 1
Princeton SOA "Practice Matters" session online [1:07-1:22, followed by group Q&A]
April 3
Dwell post about Emerging Voices lecture
April 1
OPA submitting Stremmel House v2.0 for Planning review in Reno, Nevada
March 21
New York Architecture League Emerging Voices Lecture by OPA
March 21
OPA Emerging Voices interview and lecture online
February 25
Ourcadia in Public Interest Design exhibition at TED2013. Exhibition Information
November 27
7x7 article about OPA. "Skyscrapers" by Katherine Krause
October 10
OPA at Princeton SOA for Lecture Series session: Practice Matters, October 10. Lecture Series
September 1
OPA teaching Advanced Option Studio at Harvard Graduate School of Design
March 15
Architectural Models published, featuring projects and essay by OPA

A+ Awards, Finalist
Best Interior Design Firm


A+ Awards, Finalist
Residential Interiors (<3000 sq ft)


A+ Awards, Finalist
Best Firm - North America


A+ Awards, Special Mention
Hidden House


San Francisco Design Week
Design Awards, Honorable Mention


The Plan
Design Awards, Finalist


Design Awards, Shortlist


A+ Awards, Finalist
Nuclear Thresholds


Design Awards, Longlist


Best Houses of the Year
Hidden House


The Chicago Athenaeum
American Architecture Award


AIA San Francisco
Interior Architecture Citation


A+ Awards, Special Mention


A+ Awards, Finalist


AIA San Francisco
Unbuilt Design Citation


AIA San Francisco
Architecture Merit Award


Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize
Emerging Talent Best Building, Long List
Gallery House


New York Architecture League
Emerging Voices Award


AIA San Francisco
Architecture Citation


AIA San Francisco
Unbuilt Design Honor Award


AIA San Francisco
Architecture Citation


AIA San Francisco
Architecture Honor Award
Gallery House


AIA California Council
Architecture Merit Award


AIA California Council
Architecture Merit Award
Gallery House


AIA San Francisco
Interior Architecture Citation


AIA California Council & Sunset Magazine
Western Home Awards, Best Remodel


AIA San Francisco
Interior Architecture Citation
Concrete House


AIA East Bay
Architecture Merit Award
T House


AIA Central Valley
Architecture Citation
Kayak House


Monterey Design Conference
Emerging Talent Award


AIA San Francisco
Unbuilt Projects Honor Award
Concrete House


AIA San Francisco
Architecture Honor Award


AIA California Council
Architecture Honor Award

California Houses
Thames & Hudson, London

California Houses brings together thirty-six houses completed over the past ten years that capture the spirit of California in distinctive ways and respond creatively to context and the environment.

Michael Webb
"Hidden House," pp. 110-117

Nob Hill Gazette Vol. 46 No. 4
Clint Reilly Communications

The Nob Hill Gazette is San Francisco's publication-of-record for the City's social, philanthropic, and cultural life.

Jennifer Massoni Pardini
"Spring Forward," pg. 22

GA Houses 193
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses Project 2024 documents 53 unbuilt houses by 53 international architects.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Echo Lake", pp. 16-19

GA Houses 191
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses documents outstanding new residential architecture from all over the world. Included in each issue also are retrospective looks at residential works of the past which are now considered epoch-making.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Gallery House," pp. 86-101
"Aerie/T House," pp. 102-113

Material Bank

Architizer celebrates the world's best architecture and design through projects, competitions, awards, and stories.

Eric Baldwin
"Desert Poetry: High Design for High Heat"

Condé Nast, New York

Architectural Digest, the most beautiful houses in the world.

Elizabeth Stamp
"The World’s 10 Craziest Futuristic Houses That Actually Exist"

Galerie Joseph, Paris

Acumen est un magazine d'art design consacré à l'art aux artistes à l'architecture, au design, à la mode et à la photographie.

Nathalie Dassa
"Une Espace Idéal pour Réfléchir"

T1 Media Ltd., London

Wallpaper* is the world's number one global design destination, championing the best in architecture, interiors, fashion, art and contemporary lifestyle.

Ellie Stathaki
"Space Invader wraps a 1970s Berkeley house in a ‘low-resolution’ wrapper"

Design Boom S.r.l., Milan

Designboom is a daily web magazine covering the fields of industrial design, architecture, and art internationally.

Lea Zeitoun
"Hovering Above San Francisco, this Home Office Invites Deep Reflection and Clarity"

GA Houses 187
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses Project 2023 documents 53 unbuilt houses by 53 international architects.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Space Invader"

Wallpaper 283
T1 Media Ltd., London

Wallpaper* is the world's number one global design destination, championing the best in architecture, interiors, fashion, art, and contemporary lifestyle.

Ellie Stathaki
"Bay Watch," pg. 62

Editoriale Domus, Milan

Founded to circulate ideas regarding style in homemaking and furnishing, over the years Domus—through its various editors—has explored a wide range of nuances in the fields of architecture, the applied arts, industrial design, art, urban planning, editorial and advertising graphics, digital communications, always with an international perspective.

Chiara Testoni
"Desert Architectures: Dwelling in the Uninhabitable"

GA Houses 181
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses Project 2022 documents 50 unbuilt houses by 50 international architects.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Houses of the Trident 2.0"

Azure Publishing, Toronto

Azure feature on Softie

Ushma Thakrar
"A Cloud-Like Refuge in California"

The New Minimalist Style
Loft, Barcelona

This book features 25 international projects which share a minimalist DNA.

Daniela Quartino, editor

Dezeen Ltd., London

Dezeen feature on Softie.

Natasha Levy
"OPA Designs Interior of Californian Home to Resemble Clouds"

Interior + Design 275
Forward Media Group, Moscow

Interior + Design is a Moscow based publication specializing in design, beauty, art, architecture, interiors, furniture, decor, and important trends in modern culture.

Natalia Postoeva
"Life in the Clouds," pp. 68-77

Frame 141
Frame Publishers, Amsterdam

Our future-facing bi-monthly print publication comprehensively guides you through what's driving the spatial design industry today.

Rosamund Picton and Kourosh Newman-Zand
"Modern Stone Age," cover, pp. 66-79

Traits D'Co
Pierrot Editions, Paris

French design journal dedicated to decoration, design and habitat.

Nathalie Dassa
"Living in the Clouds in California"

Free York Inc., Wroclaw

FREEYORK attempts to comprehensively cover all aspects of art, from fine art and architecture to product and graphic design.

Maggie Evans
"OPA’s Unique Home Hides A Beautiful Blue Interior"

HH Ltd., Budapest

HYPEANDHYPER is a design and lifestyle magazine covering innovation, urban life and creative ecosystems across Central and Eastern Europe.

Gyöngy Orsi
"Life in the clouds, A modernist house in California"

Design Boom S.r.l., Milan

Designboom is a daily web magazine covering the fields of industrial design, architecture, and art internationally.

Myrto Katsikopoulou
"Vibrant Blue Interior Peeks Through Dense Facade in San Francisco 'Hidden House'"

Mediavine Inc., Boca Raton

Contemporist features great ideas from the world of design, architecture, interior design, furniture, lighting, and art.

Erin & Dave, editors
"The Wood Exterior Of This Home Hides A Remarkable Blue Staircase Inside"

Ignant GmbH, Berlin

iGNANT is an award-winning online magazine featuring the finest in art, design, photography, fashion and architecture.

Stephanie Wade
"Opa Architecture’s Softie, A One-Of-A-Kind Californian Home With Cloud-Like Formations"

GA Houses 175
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses Project 2021 documents 45 unbuilt houses by 45 international architects.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor

AD Italia 473
Condè Nast, Milan

Architectural Digest, the most beautiful houses in the world.

Maria Vittoria Capitanucci
"Tutto Scorre," pp. 64-68

Restless Living 63
Restless IVS, Copenhagen

Restless Living tells the stories behind some of the world’s greatest residential projects.

Christian Trampedach
"Softie Renovation," pp. 14-17

California Style
Monsa, Barcelona

This book contains the latest projects of 24 selected Californian professionals.

Francesc Zamora Mola
"OPA," pp. 290-303

Frame Publishers, Amsterdam

Frame comprehensively guides you through what's driving the spatial design industry today.

Tracey Ingram
"OPA Counteracts the Orthogonal Lines of a Modernist House in Mill Valley with a Daring Cloudlike Interior."

Condè Nast, Moscow

Architectural Digest, the most beautiful houses in the world.

Ksenia Oschchepkova
"Organic Makeover of a Modernist Home in California"

Design Boom S.r.l., Milan

Designboom is a daily web magazine covering the fields of industrial design, architecture, and art internationally.

Kat Barandy
"with 'softie,' OPA sculpts a dwelling that is cavernous and cloud-like"

T1 Media Ltd., London

Wallpaper* is the world's number one global design destination, championing the best in architecture, interiors, fashion, art and contemporary lifestyle.

Pei-Ru Keh
"Cloud-like forms disrupt this modernist house in California"

GA Houses 173
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses From Archive 2 documents 50 "distinctive masterpiece houses" by international architects between 2000-2020.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Shapeshifter," pp. 182-185

Interior + Design 267
Forward Media Group, Moscow

Interior + Design is a Moscow based publication specializing in design, beauty, art, architecture, interiors, furniture, decor, and important trends in modern culture.

Natalia Postoeva
"OPA Proposes a New Model for Sustainable Architecture," pp. 50-61

Design Boom S.r.l., Milan

Designboom is a daily web magazine covering the fields of industrial design, architecture, and art internationally.

Kat Barandy
"OPA Designs Passive, High-performance 'Shapeshifter' House in the Desert Outside Reno"

GA Houses 169
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses Project 2020 documents 50 unbuilt houses by 50 international architects.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor

Villas Spring '20
Villas Decoration SPRL, Brussels

Villas, the Belgian luxury magazine for architecture and design lovers.

"The Shapeshifter House Nevada."

Dwell March/April 2020
Dwell Life Inc., San Francisco

Dwell is a design and technology brand. It was launched with a magazine in September 2000 to bridge the gap between design professionals and enthusiasts.

Deborah Bishop
"Hiding in Plain Sight," pp. 56, 58, 60

GA Houses 167
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses documents outstanding new residential architecture from all over the world. Included in each issue also are retrospective looks at residential works of the past which are now considered epoch-making.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Softie," pp. 7-8, 34-47

Secret Homes Season 1 Episode 3
Windfall Films Ltd., London

From secluded houses in forests and luxury bunkers buried underground to cabins on remote islands and homes hidden in mountains. The series uses spectacular drone photography to explore the natural surroundings of each home and also ‘fly-through’ their interiors and secret passages to reveal what makes them unique. We meet the owners who explain why they wanted to live in such an unusual property and how they found their secluded plots.

Episode 3 features Hidden House

Häuser 6|2019
Häuser, Berlin

Häuser is a leading German magazine for Architecture & Design.

Klaus Meyer, "Hommage an Die Wüste"
pp. 80-87

Secret Homes Season 1 Episode 2
Windfall Films Ltd., London

From secluded houses in forests and luxury bunkers buried underground to cabins on remote islands and homes hidden in mountains. The series uses spectacular drone photography to explore the natural surroundings of each home and also ‘fly-through’ their interiors and secret passages to reveal what makes them unique. We meet the owners who explain why they wanted to live in such an unusual property and how they found their secluded plots.

Episode 2 features Shapeshifter

Wallpaper* 239
T1 Media Ltd., London

Wallpaper* 2019 Design Awards Issue. Features shortlisted projects in multiple categories.

"Best New Private House Shortlist," p. 125

Christie's International, London

Christie's International Real Estate feature on desert architecture.

Jonathan Bell
"Castles in the Sand: the Art of Desert Architecture"

Houses: Extraordinary Living
Phaidon, London

Explore 400 of the world's most innovative and influential architect-designed houses created since the early 20th century. Houses: Extraordinary Living celebrates the incredible diversity and beauty of the house as never before, from Modernist icons to feats of technological, material, and spatial innovation in the 21st century.

Belle Place, editor
"Shapeshifter," pp. 346, 435

Interni 691
Gruppo Mandadori, Milan

Founded in 1954, Interni Magazine is an indispensable tool for orientation in the world of interiors and product design.

Antonella Boisi
"More With Less," pp. 44-49

Western Art & Architecture
JD Publishing, Bozeman

Western Art & Architecture magazine celebrates America's love affair with the Western visual arts. From the classic Western masters to contemporary trendsetters, Western Art & Architecture magazine features the best in art and architecture from Texas to the West Coast.

Norman Kolpas
"Protean Power," pp. 142-147

The Contemporary House
Thames & Hudson, London

Featuring some of the world’s most innovative, extreme and ingenious urban interventions, The Contemporary House looks at the many ways in which modern residential design is integrated into the existing urban fabric. Every house represents a challenge, from new takes on traditional typologies through to radical proposals for unconventional sites. As well as the houses themselves, the book provides an insight into the conditions that shape the architecture of some of the world’s major cities, through recent history, signature styles and current conditions on the ground.

Jonathan Bell and Ellie Stathaki
"Gallery House," pp. 36-39

GA Houses 163
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses documents outstanding new residential architecture from all over the world. Included in each issue also are retrospective looks at residential works of the past which are now considered epoch-making.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Softie," pp. 60-63

The Magazine 4
Minotti SpA, Milan

Founded in the 1950s as a small workshop, Minotti is now a global brand. The Magazine is Minotti's annual magazine.

Minotti Studio, editor
"A Mirage in the Desert," pp. 72-79

Wallpaper* 238
T1 Media Ltd., London

Judges' Awards Preview, featuring the shortlisted projects for Wallpaper's 2019 Design Awards. Judges include: Paola Antonelli, Neneh Cherry, Bjarke Ingels, David Korins, Philippe Malouin, and Do Ho Suh.

"Judges' Awards Preview," pg. 126

Homes for Our Time
Taschen, Cologne

A sweeping survey of the contemporary house, and a reminder that we all have a lot more in common than might be expected. Surely because of the rise of the Internet as the most accessible form of information, talented and cosmopolitan architects are coming forward and building innovative, spectacular houses around the globe. Especially where houses are concerned, there is no longer a deep divide between developed and developing countries: great homes are being built everywhere by talented architects.

Philip Jodidio
"Shapeshifter," pp. 314-319

Il Nuovo Saggiatore
Italian Physics Society, Rome

"Il Nuovo Saggiatore" is the bulletin of the Italian Society of Physics. It is a scientific journal which publishes news on recent studies of interest to the international physics community.

Zoë Prillinger and Luke Ogrydziak
"Nuclear Thresholds: Architectural Implications of Enrico Fermi's Chicago Pile-1," pp. cover, 53-66

CDH Media, Los Angeles

California Home + Design feature on five Bay Area architects.

Robyn Wise
"Five Bay Area women at the Forefront of Architecture."

The New Urban House: A Global Survey
Yale University Press, New Haven

A stunning anthology of contemporary houses that showcases the ways that architecture can respond to local urban challenges while enhancing modern city living. Jonathan Bell and Ellie Stathaki have selected urban structures from around the world to serve as both exemplary solutions and standout works of art.

Jonathan Bell and Ellie Stathaki
"Gallery House," pp. 36-39

AAG 2018
Klein Publishing GmbH, Berlin

Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) is a conference where both theoretical and practical work linked to new geometrical developments is presented. It involves architects, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, software and algorithms designers and contractors. We aim at connecting researchers from architectural and engineering practices, academia and industry. AAG has become a reference both in research and in practice and is supported by the direct participation of the most renowned architectural design and engineering offices along with research laboratories.

Luke Ogrydziak and Zoë Prillinger
"Nuclear thresholds: Geometric strategies for flexible cord assemblies," pp. 256-272

Sandow Media, Boca Raton

Metropolis is an architecture and design-focused magazine published ten times per year.

Sam Lubell
"This Surprising San Francisco Residence Features a Hidden Bolt From the Blue"

T1 Media Ltd., London

Wallpaper* feature on desert architecture.

"Desert architecture: modern buildings in arid environments"
These manifestations of modern desert architecture reveal how design and material can combat the challenging climatic conditions of arid environments and extreme temperatures.

Uncrate LLC, Columbus

Uncrate feature on Shapeshifter.

"Shapeshifter House."

Dezeen Ltd., London

Dezeen feature on Shapeshifter.

Bridget Cogley
"Shapeshifter House by OPA emerges from Nevada site as a 'desert mirage'"

Dwell July/August 2018
Dwell Life Inc., San Francisco

Dwell magazine is a smart, accessible publication dedicated to modern design. Each issue explores the myriad ways in which good design thinking can deliver a better life.

Sam Lubell
"Life Mimics Art," pp. 15, 78-87

GA Houses 159
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

GA Houses documents outstanding new residential architecture from all over the world. Included in each issue also are retrospective looks at residential works of the past which are now considered epoch-making.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"OPA ," pp. 8-9, 116-15

Architecture Element 1: Entrance
Damdi, Seoul

Architecture Element provides international case studies and interviews exploring the history of architectural elements worldwide. The first three volumes are (1) entrance, (2) stairs, and (3) roof.

Jinyoun Na, editor
pp. 30, 43, 48, 60-61, 94

Architectural Element 2: Stairs
Damdi, Seoul

Architecture Element provides international case studies and interviews exploring the history of architectural elements worldwide. The first three volumes are (1) entrance, (2) stairs, and (3) roof.

Jinyoun Na, editor
pp. 30, 43, 48, 60–61, 94

Architectural Element 3: Roof
Damdi, Seoul

Architecture Element provides international case studies and interviews exploring the history of architectural elements worldwide. The first three volumes are (1) entrance, (2) stairs, and (3) roof.

Jinyoun Na, editor
pp. 39-40, 61-62. 109, 132

The View 2|2017
Crew SF, San Francisco

The View develops and advances women as leaders in the commercial real estate industry and business community.

Donna Schumacher
"SERC Women’s Locker Room Addition," pp. 18-19, 26

Mark 67
Frame Publishers, Amsterdam

Mark magazine is a platform for the practice and perception of architecture at the dawn of the third millennium. Since its launch in 2005, the magazine has proven to be a timely, visual, non-academic publication full of first-hand information from creative people.

Katya Tylevich
"OPA Takes Cues From the Disparate Qualities of Daily Existence," pp. 83-101

Hanley Wood, Washington D.C.

The magazine of the American Institute of Architects.

Blaine Brownell
"Discovery, Mystery, and Transformation: Approaching Architectural Practice as a Narrative," posted November 30, 2017

The University of Chicago Magazine 110
The University of Chicago, Chicago

A quarterly magazine about the University of Chicago faculty, alumni, students, and friends. Started in 1908.

Erin Hogan
"Elemental," pp. 34-35

Private Gardens of the Bay Area
Monacelli, New York

Seasoned garden writers Susan Lowry and Nancy Berner, along with leading landscape photographer Marion Brenner, tour more than thirty-five private gardens in the San Francisco Bay Area, illuminating the unrivalled beauty of Northern California—the breadth of the sky, the quality of the light, the sparkle of the Bay, the shapes of the hills—that has beckoned landscape designers and gardeners for generations.

Susan Lowry and Nancy Berner
"Lenore Pereira and Rich Niles Garden," pp. 96-99

Maru 185
CA Press, Seoul

Korean design journal focusing on interiors, houses, and lifestyle.

Kim Hansu
"Gallery House," pp. 22-29

Spaces 2.2
MIB Media, Chicago

Design journal focusing on San Francisco, Marin, Napa, and Sonoma.

Zahid Sardar
"The Real Deal," pp. 1, 90-97

Container and Modular Buildings
DOM Publishers, Berlin

Bold and unconventional ideas are called for if the intention is to steer the debate on temporary accommodation for refugees in a new direction offering high-quality solutions. From eccentric experiments all the way to projects which have already been realised, international design teams present their work between the twin poles of unconventional developments and life-saving shelters in this compilation of case studies, Container and Modular Buildings.

Cornelia Dörries and Sarah Zahradnik
"Triskelion," pp. 32-39

30 Years of Emerging Voices
Princeton Architectural Press, New York

The prestigious Emerging Voices Award was created in 1982 by the Architectural League of New York to showcase the work of early- to mid-career North American architects. Each year, through an invited competition, a jury selects practitioners or firms with a significant body of realized work that represents the best of its kind and has the potential to impact the future of architecture and landscape design. Emerging Voices 30 documents and critically assesses the first three decades of the League's Emerging Voices program.

Meredith Baber, editor
"OPA," pg. 283

The Fundamentals of Interior Architecture
Bloomsbury, London

The Fundamentals of Interior Architecture (second edition) offers an introduction to the key elements involved in the creation of aesthetically appealing and practically appropriate interior architecture. The new material in this highly illustrated second edition includes interviews with leading practitioners.

John Coles
"OPA," pp. 30, 34-35, 88, 92, 124-125, 154-155

SFC&G 15|10
C&G Publications

SFC&G is a San Francisco architecture and design publication.

Frances Homan Jue
"Oil and Canvas," pp. cover, 50-57

Who is the Architect?
Damdi, Seoul

This richly illustrated book is intended as an opportunity for both current and prospective architects to ponder and explore everything from fundamental to trivial questions about architecture. What is architecture? What does an architect do? Nineteen ordinary architects and offices from around the world are asked to define who and what an architect is, offering pieces of wisdom, examples of their work, sound advice and personal anecdotes with which readers can build a bigger picture of the discipline.

Yeon Kyeong Choo, editor
"Who is OPA?" pp. 255-273

Mark 48
Frame Publishers, Amsterdam

Mark magazine is a platform for the practice and perception of architecture at the dawn of the third millennium. Since its launch in 2005, the magazine has proven to be a timely, visual, non-academic publication full of first-hand information from creative people.

Arthur Wortmann, editor
"Shapeshifter," pg. 15

GA Houses 136
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

Annual special issue and exhibition of 50 international residential projects.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Shapeshifter," pp. 184-187

Fast Company 185
Fast Company Inc., New York

Fast Company has a unique editorial focus on innovation in technology, leadership, and design.

Adele Peters
"Safer Crossings," pg. 50

New York Architectural League, New York

The Architectural League’s annual Emerging Voices Award spotlights North American individuals and firms with distinct design “voices” that have the potential to influence the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design. The jury reviews significant bodies of realized work and considers accomplishments within the design and academic communities. The work of each Emerging Voice represents the best of its kind, and addresses larger issues within architecture, landscape, and the built environment.

Anne Rieselbach, interviewer

Platform 6
Actar, Barcelona

Harvard University Graduate School of Design has always recognized the indispensable importance and values of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and urban design, yet has transcended their individual aspirations through intellectual cross-fertilization and collaboration. The material presented in this publication forms a small part of the incredible range and diversity of proposals and visions that the GSD students and faculty have produced during the past academic year.

Rosetta S. Elkin, editor
"Shapeshifter," pp. 328-335

New Container Architecture
Links International, Barcelona

This volume presents the findings of years of research into container architecture, showcasing a wealth of projects with full-color photographs, detailed commentaries and resource lists.

Jure Kotnik
"Triskelion," pp. 246-255

Digital Aptitudes
ACSA Press, Cambridge

Proceedings from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) 100th Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.

Luke Ogrydziak
"The Solaris Mirror," pp. 154-160

Mark 39
Frame Publishers, Amsterdam

Mark magazine is a platform for the practice and perception of architecture at the dawn of the third millennium. Since its launch in 2005, the magazine has proven to be a timely, visual, non-academic publication full of first-hand information from creative people.

Arthur Keuning, editor
"Dune," pg. 14

GA Houses 125
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

Annual special issue and exhibition of 50 international residential projects.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Dune," pp. 106-109

Mobile Architecture: Construction and Design Manual
DOM Publishers, Berlin

Notwithstanding the many prophets of doom that see solid, sedentary architecture sacrificed to mobile lifestyles, architects continue to take up the challenge and design portable houses. The results are often both practical and innovative, as is demonstrated on the more than 800 pages of this new title in the Construction and Design Manual series, in which 43 international design teams present works ranging from architectural follies to handicapped accessible furnishings and life-saving shelters.

Suh Kyongwon, editor
"Triskelion," pp. 528-539

Architectural Record 12|02
BNP Media, Troy

Architectural Record is an American monthly magazine that is dedicated to architecture and interior design. Published by BNP Media, it is generally considered "The Record" of Architectural History.

Joann Gonchar
"Triskelion," pg. 94

Roof Architecture + Design
Braun, Berlin

This volume explores approximately 60 attic projects, as extensions, conversions, or new construction, which utilize the previously used storage space for new use. Existing buildings are expanded upwards and adapted to the contemporary desires and demands of their use. Some constitute a homogenous extension of the existing facade and augment the view in a barely noticeable way. Others use the design freedom above the eave height in order to create a 21st century architecture which contrasts with the historical building substance.

Manuela Roth
"Honighaus," pp. 293-301

Architectural Models
DOM Publishers, Berlin

This volume, conceived as a reference book, extensively presents works by renowned scale model studios. On more than 1,000 pages it showcases architectural models of avant-garde architects and designers from all over the world.

"Models," pp. 22-23, 648-653

7x7 12|11
McEvoy Media, San Francisco

7x7 is a city-living-focused fashion, lifestyle, food, culture, opinion and entertainment digital, print, mobile, social, commerce and events activation platform, covering the San Francisco Bay Area.

Katherine Krause
"Skyscrapers," pp. 72-77

Integration Through Computation
Acadia, Cambridge

The Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) is an international network of digital design researchers and professionals. We facilitate critical investigations into the role of computation in architecture, planning, and building science, encouraging innovation in design creativity, sustainability, and education.

Luke Ogrydziak
"Tetrahedron Cloud," pp. 284-291

GA Houses 120
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

Annual special issue and exhibition of 50 international residential projects.

Yukio Futagawa, editor
"Loop," pp. 196-199

San Francisco 11|12
Modern Luxury, San Francisco

San Francisco is an American monthly magazine devoted to the people, culture, food, politics, and arts of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Diane Dorrans Saeks
"In Theory," pp. 94-105

Damdi, Seoul

This volume, conceived as a reference book, extensively presents works by renowned international architects. On more than 1,000 pages it showcases renovation projects of avant-garde architects and designers from all over the world.

Seonwook Kim, editor
"OPA: Honighaus, Co-op, ECA," 874-909

Mobile Architecture
Damdi, Seoul

Although flexible modes of living draw on an age-old tradition and a wide variety of cultures, recent changes in living conditions and technical advances have greatly increased the relevance of flexibility. As working and private lives increasingly overlap, a mobile lifestyle becomes more important. Today, more than ever, people are seeking a way of living which is not tied to fixed patterns and predetermined locations.

Seonwook Kim and Miyoung Pyo, editors
"Triskelion," pp. 528-539

Häuser 11|6
Häuser, Berlin

HÄUSER is a leading German magazine for architecture and design.

Christopher Hawthorne
"House of Art," pp. 5-6, 92-98

Metropolis 10|4
Sandow Media, Boca Raton

Metropolis is a monthly magazine about architecture and design, with a focus on sustainability. It is based in New York and has been published since 1981.

Lydia Lee
"Random Acts of Architecture," pp. cover, 56-63, 83

New York Times T Magazine 10|3
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., New York

The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership.

Pilar Viladas (in Domesticities)
"Park Place"

Dream Architecture
Edition Axel Menges, Berlin

The dream buildings in this book reflect a changing architectural and cultural environment, and the processes that turn these concepts from vision to reality will open a new chapter in architectural history.

Xing Rihan, editor
"OPA," pp. 270-285

Architectural Models
Damdi, Seoul

This volume, conceived as a reference book, extensively presents works by renowned scale model studios. On more than 1,000 pages it showcases architectural models of avant-garde architects and designers from all over the world.

"Models," pp. 22-23, 648-653

Sunset 10|3
Sunset Publishing, Menlo Park

Sunset is a lifestyle magazine in the United States. Sunset focuses on homes, cooking, gardening, and travel, with a focus almost exclusively on the Western United States.

Allison Arieff
"Stage Set," pg. 58

Ideat 78
Laurent Blanc, Paris

IDEAT est un magazine lifestyle qui s'adresse à tous ceux qui trouvent leur personnalité dans toutes les formes de création.

Jean-Michel de Alberti
"San Francisco: Une Energie Fertile," pg. 252

California Home + Design 09|05
CHD Media, Los Angeles

California Home+Design is a multi-platform media brand that covers home, architecture, products, art and lifestyle stories throughout the state of California.

Lydia Lee
"Architects of Geometry," pg. 90

Wallpaper* 113
T1 Media Ltd., London

Wallpaper* is a publication focusing on design and architecture, fashion, travel, art and lifestyle.

Jonathan Bell and Ellie Stathaki
"Architects Directory 2008," pp. 91-104

Frameworks 08|Spring
UC Berkeley CED, Berkeley

Framework is a quarterly publication of the University of California Berkeley College of Environmental Design.

Luke Ogrydziak and Zoë Prillinger
"Latent Form," pp. 14-15

Young Architects Americas
Daab Pub, Berlin

This volume in a series about young architects introduces readers to the projects of 50 young and innovative architects throughout the Americas.

Erin Cullerton, editor
"OPA," pp. 258-263

GA Houses 98
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

Annual special issue and exhibition of 50 international residential projects.

Yuko Futagawa, editor
"Conway House," pp. 12-15

Architecture of the San Francisco Bay Area: A History and Guide
William Stout Publishers, San Francisco

The successor to the popular guide book, Architecture and Design: SF (1998), this traveler's companion covers the best in classic and contemporary architecture throughout the Bay Area.

Mitchell Schwarzer
"T House, Hundred Foot House," pp. 57, 158

Architectural Record 07|07
BNP Media, Troy

Architectural Record is an American monthly magazine that is dedicated to architecture and interior design. Published by BNP Media, it is generally considered "The Record" of Architectural History.

Robert Ivy, editor
"A Memory of Pompeii captured in concrete," pg. 198

The Magic of Small Spaces
Loft, Barcelona

Created for the challenges that face people living in small spaces, The Magic of Small Spaces is a cleverly illustrated book that takes a look at contemporary places where people live that are small.

Oscar Asensio, editor
"Double Bar House," pp. 59-61

San Francisco 05|12
Modern Luxury, San Francisco

San Francisco is an American monthly magazine devoted to the people, culture, food, politics, and arts of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Alan Rapp
"The Conceptualists," pp. 146-151

GA Houses 70
A.D.A. Edita Ltd., Tokyo

Annual special issue and exhibition of 50 international residential projects.

Yoshio Futagawa, editor
"Double Bar House," pp. 59-61

At OPA, we believe in progressive built work, driven by ideas. We believe that architecture influences how we see the world and live in it. That architecture impacts our perceptions and emotions, and acts as a physical framework for thought. By organizing our bodies and experiences in space, architecture can transform us. Our strength at OPA is identifying and crafting spatial experiences to make that possible.

For us, every project is personal, whether private or public. Fundamental to our work is our close relationship to our clients and communities, whose use of our spaces give life to the architecture. We see the design process as a joint exploration of expanding and choreographing what’s possible. Together, we uncover what a project really wants to be and make that desire a physical reality.


1392 Pacific Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 474-6723



News & Updates

Luke Ogrydziak
Luke Ogrydziak was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and grew up in Northern California. He studied at Princeton University, where he received both his Bachelor of Arts in Architecture summa cum laude in 1992, and his Master of Architecture degree in 1995. At Princeton, he received the Shellman Award for architectural representation. Ogrydziak Prillinger Architects was formed with Zoë Prillinger in 2004. He is a licensed architect in California and Nevada, and has taught graduate design studios at the University of California at Berkeley and the Harvard GSD.

Zoë Prillinger
Zoë Prillinger was born in Decatur, Illinois—with US, Australian, and British citizenship. She studied at Princeton University, where she received both her Bachelor of Arts in Architecture magna cum laude with a certificate in European Cultural Studies in 1992, and her Master of Architecture degree in 1994. Ms. Prillinger has worked in architecture offices in Melbourne, Paris, New York City, and San Francisco, and formed Ogrydziak Prillinger Architects with Luke Ogrydziak in 2004. Ms. Prillinger is a licensed architect in Hawaii, and has taught design studio at the University of California at Berkeley and the Harvard GSD.

Hidden House
Space Invader
Nuclear Thresholds
Gallery House
Untitled 2018
Untitled 2017
South End Rowing Club
20° Oblique
The Way Out
T House
Conway House
Kayak House
Concrete House
Double Box
Hundred Foot House
Hidden House

This house for an entrepreneur and an artist began with a negotiation. Impacted by powerful neighborhood groups that restricted its envelope and appearance, the house wears a mask to hide the architectural freedoms within. The mask achieves a blankness by abstracting the ubiquitous San Francisco bay window and covering the entire front face with a dense cedar screen. However, the cedar boards twist at the bay window to allow a glimpse of the internal complexity beyond.
Behind the mask, the house has a split personality. Vertical circulation is efficiently stacked on one side, opposing varied horizontal living on the other. A skylight emphasizes this split by creating a rift between these two zones. The two zones have different characters, underscored by the exclusive use of raw materials on one side while the other side is drenched in pastel blue paint. Each personality reflects a distinct spatial dynamic: fluid, varied extension in a horizontal plane versus vertical and vertiginous twisting.


412 Lombard Street (Telegraph Hill), San Francisco, California


3,000 SF house


AD Italia, Dwell, GA Houses, Metropolis, Mark


Forsythe General Contractors


Buro Happold




Delphine Huetz-Cozzolino


Joe Fletcher

The blue zone resulted from extensive color studies and mock-ups in collaboration with the artist client. Finding and committing to a color was exciting and traumatic precisely because of color’s unpredictable, changeable nature and the resulting emotional impact. The facets and fluctuating light conditions at the stair combine to make color perception unstable. Outside, in the private rear garden, the transformative qualities of paint are used in a different way, camouflaging the rear neighbor’s house with dazzle painting.
Some amount of repression is essential to civilization – a compromise between the individual’s instincts and society. In the Hidden House, the mask converts these disparate sensibilities into unified, civil behavior.
Hidden House

This house for an entrepreneur and an artist began with a negotiation. Impacted by powerful neighborhood groups that restricted its envelope and appearance, the house wears a mask to hide the architectural freedoms within. The mask achieves a blankness by abstracting the ubiquitous San Francisco bay window and covering the entire front face with a dense cedar screen. However, the cedar boards twist at the bay window to allow a glimpse of the internal complexity beyond.
Behind the mask, the house has a split personality. Vertical circulation is efficiently stacked on one side, opposing varied horizontal living on the other. A skylight emphasizes this split by creating a rift between these two zones. The two zones have different characters, underscored by the exclusive use of raw materials on one side while the other side is drenched in pastel blue paint. Each personality reflects a distinct spatial dynamic: fluid, varied extension in a horizontal plane versus vertical and vertiginous twisting.


412 Lombard Street (Telegraph Hill), San Francisco, California


3,000 SF house


AD Italia, Dwell, GA Houses, Metropolis, Mark


Forsythe General Contractors


Buro Happold




Delphine Huetz-Cozzolino


Joe Fletcher

The blue zone resulted from extensive color studies and mock-ups in collaboration with the artist client. Finding and committing to a color was exciting and traumatic precisely because of color’s unpredictable, changeable nature and the resulting emotional impact. The facets and fluctuating light conditions at the stair combine to make color perception unstable. Outside, in the private rear garden, the transformative qualities of paint are used in a different way, camouflaging the rear neighbor’s house with dazzle painting.
Some amount of repression is essential to civilization – a compromise between the individual’s instincts and society. In the Hidden House, the mask converts these disparate sensibilities into unified, civil behavior.